Oakville is in danger of becoming an over-regulated community

The following was an open letter sent to most of the Town of Oakville elected officials on May 10, 2010 through TwitLongeR. Some councillors did not have digital access that was easily accessible and thus will not have received this pleading.

As drive-thru regulation comes to Council, I would urge you to see the many positive impacts of drive-thrus as well as the many who will be negatively impacted by over regulation, in this case the banning of drive-thrus in some of or all of Oakville. Drive thrus are an extremely important operations and perform an important economic function for many people in the Town of Oakville.

One group that will be particularly impacted by the over-regulating of drive-thrus. Persons with disabilities require them and they have both a physical and economic positive impact for them.

At businesses where drive-thrus are used there is never enough accessible parking where the traffic change over by customers is large and everyone is in a hurry, and only going to be just "a minute". You can't legislate morality but you can think through the implications of user friendly access being banned or over regulated. The abuse of disability parking spots would increase at many more high traffic places.

Disability parking is usually filled with irresponsible users and because small businesses generally are only required to provide one spot based on use or the overall size of a plaza and owners with planning approval them throughout the plaza at inconvenient and unsafe locations. In many places convenience spots for "women with small children", which are not even legally defined spots in Ontario equal or out number disability spots. There are many issues to look at beyond the seeming appeal as a green piece of legislation.

There is much bigger set of issues that changing one item, such as eliminating drive-thrus, puts into play. It is not just traffic or property value it is the value of a our Town and how it serves all members of its city, not just the Property owner. If you do not change the parking access by-laws to provide significantly more accessible parking then as Oakville faces its ageing boomer issues , the town will not be addressing the problems it creates by what seems to be a "green" bylaw but in fact is a discriminatory by-law without all the angles thought about.

It is, in my opinion, the time that council started representing the needs of all citizens not just property owners who claim that their property is some how devalued. Lack of access is a devaluing of a person and their rights which may not be addressed.

PLEASE do not ban drive-thrus now or into future planning or the great function of drive-thrus to all citizens will be lost. The added cost of lost business opportunities and economic development may well impact many businesses and thus the economy of Oakville.

I see a very negative business climate potentially developing here in Oakville as we attempt to regulate everything that moves. I would urge you to see the Oakville Chamber of Commerce response to Councils passing of the particulate bylaw as an example.

Aside: One example of business abuse ( not blaming the owner or the new facility) just the reality of the Town not doing its job, is found at the new Oakville Entertainment Centre at Dundas and Trafalgar.

This new large attendance venue has no disability parking (the new purveyors/owners have blocked off the only disability space). The only option for a person with a disability is to park across the lot and then travel behind parked vehicles where they can not be seen. I know The Entertainment Centre is not a drive-thru but it is an example of a new facility, given a permit but not having to morally or legally comply with the law. Either the town planners did not require changes or the need for a patio seems to trump access and safety.

Regardless, there is a need to think outside the box when passing by-laws/regulation which will affect many others beyond the local neighbourhood.

Oakville is a community, not just a series of lobbying block neighbourhoods, and the interest of ALL citizens and those who come to Oakville should be addressed.

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