Town Council of Oakville is anti-community

The following was written as a response to an article Decision on Skateboard Park Solves Nothing

The recent Town of Oakville skateboard park relocation decision is anti-community! It flies in the face of a community with people, meeting the needs of all people as their first priority.

The Town of Oakville has become the real life setting for "The Truman Show". Beautiful, and controlled, but not for all the people of the Town. Through its governing decisions and by-laws it is attempting to sanitize our community under the mistaken catch phrase of becoming a "Livable Oakville".

Every issue that comes before this misguided council involves the sloganeering about making Oakville "livable". This is jingoism or "sloganism" at its worst. This is social engineering being done badly.

Historically, the Town, in 2008, passed the following: "Livable Oakville is the Town's new Official Plan" What is Livable Oakville?

"The Livable Oakville Plan is the first step in fleshing out the vision 'To be the most livable town in Canada'. The new plan ensures that Oakville develops into a complete community that includes:

- a full mixture of housing types to meet the changing demographics of the Town over time, including opportunities for more affordable housing types

- a broad range of employment opportunities, including office and industrial use and a variety of forms of retail uses, including historic main streets, malls and large-format stores

- an array of health and educational facilities and other institutional uses that serve the entire population

- protection of the environment and an appropriate mixture of public park and trail networks that promote active living

- a transportation system that connects Oakville to the broader region and accommodates automobiles but also promotes the use of other modes of travel including transit, cycling and walking"

Residents should see in the documents related to planning a livable Oakville, that what is missing is "people".

People don't exist in this Councils' plans or thinking and decisions made are NOT people friendly unless they are trying to please a vocal community group, or street or a ratepayer with property. These decisions are one-off people friendly decisions. The key to Councils misguided decions are property.

This Council is only interested in decisions that can procure votes from the most vocal, who are always the property owner. You cannot build a “livable community” by creating a new by-law for only the most vocal, when they demand it. Pandering to a small group creates greater community inequities and does not meet the needs of a long-term, viable and inclusive community.

My oversight of this Council (somebody needs to be some what objective) finds that more and more people and a lively community are NOT part of the planning process. This is about bricks and mortar and not about people. Decisions made are not about a lively community on the streets, people being out and active in our community, twenty-four seven. This Council is about money and power to those already empowered.

The skateboard decision is the perfect example of decisions cloaked in bureaucracy and it is anti-people. It is anti-children. It is anti-play unless you go to the outer limits of the Town. This was the case with the anti-lights policy on school playing fields. They preached NIMBYISM at every meeting.

This Council's real motto is “Sanitize Oakville” and they hide this under the guise of a "Livable Oakville".

If it moves regulate it. If people want to use parks deny them or regulate them. If businesses make good economic decisions the Council doesn't like, go to war with them. If school boards don't adhere to their thinking call them arrogant and pass more by-laws. Yet ask them to clean up goose guano from parks so people can actually use them and nothing happens.

In this case, skateboard rules are being invented as good governance. They are willing to metaphorically "euthanize" noisy children by moving them to the “nether-lands”. God forbid we should have children in our parks. God forbid we should have field lighting in our many play parks. Children and play are being banned in Oakville.

This Council continues to show the world that we are anti-business and anti-people by creating impulsive and arrogant, nonsense by-laws which will denude Oakville of any industry that is not lily white. Now they are embarked on a denuding Oakville of people on the streets and in the community.

The Town of Oakville attacks our largest employers and industries because they dare to think for themselves and not in unison with the Council under the misstated "Livable Community" philosophy. Council has in the past two years attacked Ford, the Halton Catholic District School Board and others because they have mandates different than the Truman Show agenda of the Town of Oakville.

The Council vision of the best community is one that is pure and out of site and rocks no boats. What should become apparent to thinking people is that this new philosophy is strongly anti-people.

Communities that are viable in the long term are vibrant and alive. Cettainly we are no New York City and neither is Toronto, but one just has to go to New York City and you will see neighbourhood and corner parks with playgrounds that have made the city livable again. Basketball and bocce ball till midnight or later on many corners. Places where people can go without being overly regulated.

This “sanitize and call it livable“ planning philosophy is setting the future for an unsafe and overly controlled Oakville. Planners and architects know this is counter to Jane Jacobs thinking because PEOPLE are the community.

A community is not the bricks, the streets and the by-laws and laws A community is the PEOPLE, all the people.

Out of sight is not out of mind. Council needs to change this anti-people philosophy. There are consultations but these are street theatre because Council has directed staff to make changes before second meetings. This was the case in the skateboard park decision.

Change this pandering to the whining and wealthy! This is not a philosophy it is choice.

It is a choice that in future years all the citizens of Oakville will pay a heavy price for, in our community, where people are not welcome and businesses are driven from our midst.

Oh Toronto you are so pathetic! Beijing subway grows 60% in four years from 228km to 561 km

Massive Beijing Subway expansion plans

The Beijing Subway is one of the largest in the world. It carries over 5 million people every day, and hundreds of trains run on 228kms of track and service 147 stations. It is a feat of engineering, planning and coordination every single day. It is a network that Beijing commuters should be proud of, it represents the forward-thinking and development of the city.

Yet even the current nine lines, and the rapid expansion that took place for the 2008 Olympics, is not enough for the city’s growing needs. Local government in Beijing recently announced to Beijing news providers that the Beijing Subway would be further expanded, with an extra ten lines and an additional 333km of track.

This is a monumental undertaking, which government has slated for completion by 2015. That’s four years from now, which may seem a long time, but consider the challenges and effort that has had to be channelled into the building of the subway so far, and this has been done over the last few decades, since 1971.

It’s taken since then to create the current 228km of track, which puts in perspective the challenge the government has set itself. Essentially, the plan is to do 60% more in four years, than what was done in almost 40 years.

Much of this is possible because of new technology in construction, which has vastly improved since the 1960s (when construction on the first subway line began), as well as new finances which are available to the city of Beijing, which has grown considerably in the last few decades, in terms of both size and economic activity.

For example, the expansion of the Beijing Subway for the 2008 Olympics cost around $8 billion, which is a significant amount, but not so much when one considers the city’s financial revenues, or local GDP, which is around $100 billion. This was not the case a few decades ago, when the city was struggling through low-growth periods when revenues were as low as $10 billion.

The expansion of the subway, in a sense then, correlates to the expansion of the city, the two can’t be separated, and it’s difficult to say whether one has caused the other. In most cases though, the growth of Beijing has had to be matched by the subway, the local government is playing a constant game of catching up with the city.

By 2015, when all fifteen lines are operational, and an additional $29 billion has been spent, it is likely that the needs of the subway will still need to be readjusted. Work is unrelenting and never stops, new stations are always under construction, and new lines are always being planned and mapped out, moved to accommodate national landmarks, and then moved again to increase efficiency.

The construction of the subway has not had a solely financial cost. Thousands of construction workers are always working in the massive expansion plans, and as it is heavy mechanical work, which is often carried out underground, the dangers are real and close at hand.

There have been far too many work-related deaths in the history of the subway’s construction. Several fires have occurred at stations under construction in recent years, killing workers and badly injuring others, and while safety conditions and procedures have improved, there’s no doubt that, like the mines, the conditions in the subway’s construction need to be improved further.

This is because while the subway represents the growth of Beijing, it is also a source of national pride. It is one of the most efficient, and one of the biggest. In times of need it can also be used for national defence purposes, for the mass movement of troops and people.

The various lines of the subway, in a sense, are the arteries of the city, along with the major highways and roads. The subway carries 4.9 million people each day, while the city has a population of around 11 million, it is therefore the most utilized transport system in the country, making the price paid in terms of human and financial resources heavy, but worth it for the future of the capital city.


Oakville: The over-regulated Town - a note to the Mayor

The following was sent to the Mayor of Oakville following a Planning Committee Meeting May 12, 20010.

Over regulation and planning based on vocally intense groups is not the way to build a better long Oakville. The drive-thru issue is endemic of a new need to regulate everything that "moves" in Oakville. I was very disappointed in the Planning Committee decision concerning drive-thrus today. Too many councillors are unwilling to see real needs of of an inclusive Oakville and look at a longer term need for Oakville.

In my opinion, the planning staff and their responses to questioning were callous in their comments and it appears they are not committed to a big picture Oakville. They take the direction from the council flavour of the day. It's attitude Monday afternoon was anti-business, anti-special needs and is anti-ageing .. all of these are also huge parts of our population.

Oakville is becoming a very negative place for these groups and anyone without a voice to the top.

At some point businesses, large and small will not consider locating here because Oakville blows with whatever the direction of the wind is blowing. Who can plan a long term business plan here because the Council just changes the rules to the flavour of the group that complains the most.

Oakville Council claims to speak and to plan for "stable neighbourhoods" but they do this at the expense of others as they trample their ability to be in a caring Town of Oakville by ignoring the many groups groups such as persons with disabilities, who make up a complete and caring Oakville.

Oakville needs to be a caring and supportive community not a community of special interest property owners. Stable neighbourhoods is code word for special interest groups with money and voices.

The future of Oakville is being planned now and ignoring the majority of the population will produce more fractures in the future in not building a cohesive and caring community as a whole.

I would urge you to look deeper inside and see a better and more inclusive and caring Oakville for all citizens of Oakville.

Oakville is in danger of becoming an over-regulated community

The following was an open letter sent to most of the Town of Oakville elected officials on May 10, 2010 through TwitLongeR. Some councillors did not have digital access that was easily accessible and thus will not have received this pleading.

As drive-thru regulation comes to Council, I would urge you to see the many positive impacts of drive-thrus as well as the many who will be negatively impacted by over regulation, in this case the banning of drive-thrus in some of or all of Oakville. Drive thrus are an extremely important operations and perform an important economic function for many people in the Town of Oakville.

One group that will be particularly impacted by the over-regulating of drive-thrus. Persons with disabilities require them and they have both a physical and economic positive impact for them.

At businesses where drive-thrus are used there is never enough accessible parking where the traffic change over by customers is large and everyone is in a hurry, and only going to be just "a minute". You can't legislate morality but you can think through the implications of user friendly access being banned or over regulated. The abuse of disability parking spots would increase at many more high traffic places.

Disability parking is usually filled with irresponsible users and because small businesses generally are only required to provide one spot based on use or the overall size of a plaza and owners with planning approval them throughout the plaza at inconvenient and unsafe locations. In many places convenience spots for "women with small children", which are not even legally defined spots in Ontario equal or out number disability spots. There are many issues to look at beyond the seeming appeal as a green piece of legislation.

There is much bigger set of issues that changing one item, such as eliminating drive-thrus, puts into play. It is not just traffic or property value it is the value of a our Town and how it serves all members of its city, not just the Property owner. If you do not change the parking access by-laws to provide significantly more accessible parking then as Oakville faces its ageing boomer issues , the town will not be addressing the problems it creates by what seems to be a "green" bylaw but in fact is a discriminatory by-law without all the angles thought about.

It is, in my opinion, the time that council started representing the needs of all citizens not just property owners who claim that their property is some how devalued. Lack of access is a devaluing of a person and their rights which may not be addressed.

PLEASE do not ban drive-thrus now or into future planning or the great function of drive-thrus to all citizens will be lost. The added cost of lost business opportunities and economic development may well impact many businesses and thus the economy of Oakville.

I see a very negative business climate potentially developing here in Oakville as we attempt to regulate everything that moves. I would urge you to see the Oakville Chamber of Commerce response to Councils passing of the particulate bylaw as an example.

Aside: One example of business abuse ( not blaming the owner or the new facility) just the reality of the Town not doing its job, is found at the new Oakville Entertainment Centre at Dundas and Trafalgar.

This new large attendance venue has no disability parking (the new purveyors/owners have blocked off the only disability space). The only option for a person with a disability is to park across the lot and then travel behind parked vehicles where they can not be seen. I know The Entertainment Centre is not a drive-thru but it is an example of a new facility, given a permit but not having to morally or legally comply with the law. Either the town planners did not require changes or the need for a patio seems to trump access and safety.

Regardless, there is a need to think outside the box when passing by-laws/regulation which will affect many others beyond the local neighbourhood.

Oakville is a community, not just a series of lobbying block neighbourhoods, and the interest of ALL citizens and those who come to Oakville should be addressed.

COGECO models Air Canada, customer indifference service model ! !

Dear COGECO,  @COGECO and the world!

The third COGECO modem in a year died Thursday. In twitter e-language - #cogecofail, #cogecoepicfail, #fail. 

I  went to a COGECO store Friday as directed by CSR, on the telephone, both of which are not what you think they are. Adventures of indifference and apathy and broken customer service follows.

AS directed, I can wait a week for a field technician or I can go to a COGECO store. I opt for the store and use my gas, my time and I bring home a new "faster" modem. Install!  No signal. Store has not set up the new modem properly,  no MAC id.  I still have no internet connectivity.

Next, call COGECO (third time now in less than 12 hours,  give name and number and info  FOUR times, to four different COGECO support people (See a pattern here?)  and finally get to an "internet technician". 

COGECO internet technician" on phone is useless. COGECO "technicians" are CSR reps who can read messages on their computer screen confirming what you already know.

Told they would have technical support, inside COGECO, fix and install the correct MAC id and modem would be “provisioned properly” and running Saturday. HAH!

Called Saturday morning about status of technical support on my “order” and told it could take another 24-48 hours. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER but monopoly means no choices.

When calling COGECO Saturday morning, caller (me) has two choices, push 1 if you wish UFC pay TV tonight, push 2 if you need customer support. Can you guess? CORRECT! No access to COGECO customer support by pushing 2 as directed.

So, I reluctantly push 1 and get a pay TV CSR who would be pleased to take my $49.95.

COGECO claims to provide in home telephone service. They can't get their own phone service working as CSR noted they were having troubles. Glad I called to confirm what I knew.

After playing something like “chatroulette” when COGECO transfers you, I am transferred to other silo for CSR support. Notice they don't call this customer help. And they definitely work in narrow vision silos at COGECO.

Well you can guess … after transfer, this also took me the mandatort routine of giving ID and all personal info FOUR times and then I reach a CSR "internet technician". Now ask for someone to help. NOT A HAPPY CAMPER.

After much soul searching by COGECO CSR rep, I am deigned worthy of speaking with a Technical internet supervisor, who is actually technically literate and knows their systems.  Supervisor says modem not set up properly and tries to help but RF indicators out of spec. Confirms what I know and called to tell them.

Really upset at this point with indifference of everyone in COGECO,  CSR Support and technical support. They should be called CSR No-support reps.

Supervisor finally agrees to send out a technician tomorrow (Sunday) however I would have to remain at home all day.  I AGREE to this because I want what I am paying for!

After hanging up, I go back to the start of my home cable connections and unplug everything and re-plug same setup and make sure all my cables are still plugged in and tight, as they were before.

Amazingly, after about 20 minutes, I finally get an internet signal connection through my new high speed modem and  voilĂ ,  I have THE Internet. YEAH!

Called back to COGECO to see if they wish to save some money and not have a field technician come out because I am now working and have internet connection. (You know the drill, same routine their phone system still not working and usual 4x to give personal info before you can actually speak with someone).  

Can you see why they are less profitable, as reported yesterday in their earnings release? Maybe someone in executive management should actually try calling their own support services.

Not deemed significant enough to speak to same supervisor I spoke with fifteen minutes ago, we both agree that maybe there is a signal degrade outside the home, and the technician will still be sent and I need to stay home ALL day Sunday. (better than a work day as to availability for me). COGECO equipment technician will still come out.

So, I will be under  “COGECO house arrest” Sunday, all day, because COGECO has poor quality,  poor training, poor service and poor customer assitance. 

COGECO is fast becoming a Rogers cable clone and they are taking aim at becoming the totally indifferent uncaring business that Air Canada is known for. Customer indifference!

These same cable companies were the same cable companies that spent tens, if not hundreds of millions of share holder equity telling the public and coercing the CRTC that they should keep their monopolies and charge customers MORE for even less support, service, poor quality cable TV, internet  services and phone services.

Tomorrow,  I am chained to my computer from 8:00 AM Sunday to 7:00 PM (I do this during the week however I get remuneration)  wasting more of my time. If it is sunny and warm and I miss a whole day of time, money and living waiting for COGECO … well you know!

So COGECO, I will be cancelling my cable TV Monday. Yes, I know it will take me the four times to connect with a person to cancel my cable TV. But I will endure so I don't have to in the future.

Maybe ongoing loss of revenue will convince COGECO that customers are important to their operation and ultimate survival.

COGECO if I could get another internet provider here in monopoly land I would be totally gone from your indifference and lack of service.