Toronto Restaurants and Clubs of the 1970s & 1980s


1) The Generator - Yonge St., west side, south of Eglinton. (late 70s to early 80s) 
2) The Piccadilly Tube - Yonge St., west side, north of Dundas. (late 70s, where the Atrium on Bay now stands) 
3) The Apocalypse Club - College Av., north side, at Crawford. (late 80s/early 90s) 
4) The Siboney Club - Augusta Av., Kensington. (late 80s/early 90s) 
5) Cafe on the Park - Eglinton Av. West, north side, east of Younge. (early 80s) 
6) Diamond Club - Sherbourne St. north of Wellesley. (1984-1991, later became The Phoenix) 
7) The Rondun Tavern - Dundas West at Roncesvalles. (demolished 1985) 
8) The Algonquin Tavern - Yonge St., north of Finch. (demolished 1986) 
9) Colonial Tavern - Yonge St., east side, south of Shuter. (late 1940's to 1986) 
10) Bamboo Club - Queen St. West. (1984 - 2002) 
11) Cabana Room - Spadina Hotel - Spadina Av., north of King. 
12) El Mocambo - Spadina 
13) Nickelodeon - Yonge St., south of Dundas, upstairs. (closed in early 80s) 
14) Dominos/Komrads Yonge St., north of Wellesley. (early-mid 80s) 
15) Opera House - Queen St. East at Broadview. 
16) Nag's Head Tavern - Eaton's Center, second floor. (closed mid 80s; became Lime Rickey's) 
17) The Turning Point - Bloor St. West. (late 70s, early 80s) 
18) Xanadu - Mt. Pleasant Av., south of Eglinton. (early 80s. Later DeSoto's) 
19) Edge Club - Carleton Av. (late 70s, early 80s) 
20) Hannibal's - Yonge St., north of Sheppard. (closed early 90s) 
21) Morissey Tavern - Yonge St., north of Bloor. (closed mid-90s) 
22) Music Hall - Danforth Av. 
23) Empire - Yonge St., west side, north of College. 
24) Frankenstein's - Yonge St., east side, south of Gerard - next door to Bermuda Tavern, upstairs. (short-lived punk club 1983) 
25) The Ports of Call - Yonge St., east side, north of Summerhill. Later "The Ports" (demolished mid-80s) 
26) Larry's Hideaway - Carleton St., south side. (closed mid-80s, burned down in 1991) 


1) Garbo's - Queen St. West - east of Spadina. (early 80s, later became Tortilla Flats) 
2) Harvey Wallbangers - Yonge St., east side, north of Queen. (closed 1982) 
3) The Hayloft - Esplanade. (1970s) 
4) Old Spaghetti Factory - Esplanade. 
5) Cafe New Orleans - Yonge at St. Joseph. 
6) Mr. Greenjeans - Eaton Center 
7) Howard Johnson's - Yonge St., south of Dundas. (closed mid-80s) 
8) Hernando's Hideway - Yonge St., at Wellesley 

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