Dear America:
Given the two SCOTUS rulings by today, The Supreme Court of the United States is, as of today, officially owned by and ruled by corporations and the wealthy.
The same plutocrats in other countries and which America claims are undemocratic in so many other countries of the world are now your destiny fulfilled. Democracy in America died today.
Your "Land of the Free" no longer exists and to just live there, it certainly has become the "Home of the Brave" and not in a military sense.
Plutocracy or oligarchy ... it doesn't matter because the U.S.A. is a morally bankrupt country run by corporations and the wealthy 1%ers.
As Justice Ruth B Ginsburg wrote on her Twitter feed today:
"The court (SCOTUS), I feel, has ventured into a minefield."
Good luck America you will very much need it in the future.
Given the two SCOTUS rulings by today, The Supreme Court of the United States is, as of today, officially owned by and ruled by corporations and the wealthy.
The same plutocrats in other countries and which America claims are undemocratic in so many other countries of the world are now your destiny fulfilled. Democracy in America died today.
Your "Land of the Free" no longer exists and to just live there, it certainly has become the "Home of the Brave" and not in a military sense.
Plutocracy or oligarchy ... it doesn't matter because the U.S.A. is a morally bankrupt country run by corporations and the wealthy 1%ers.
As Justice Ruth B Ginsburg wrote on her Twitter feed today:
"The court (SCOTUS), I feel, has ventured into a minefield."
Good luck America you will very much need it in the future.
William A. Hoch
P.S. I know you can do better and my hope is you will make the changes needed at the ballot box in 2014 and in 2016.