The following was sent to the Mayor of Oakville following a Planning Committee Meeting May 12, 20010.
Over regulation and planning based on vocally intense groups is not the way to build a better long Oakville. The drive-thru issue is endemic of a new need to regulate everything that "moves" in Oakville. I was very disappointed in the Planning Committee decision concerning drive-thrus today. Too many councillors are unwilling to see real needs of of an inclusive Oakville and look at a longer term need for Oakville.
In my opinion, the planning staff and their responses to questioning were callous in their comments and it appears they are not committed to a big picture Oakville. They take the direction from the council flavour of the day. It's attitude Monday afternoon was anti-business, anti-special needs and is anti-ageing .. all of these are also huge parts of our population.
Oakville is becoming a very negative place for these groups and anyone without a voice to the top.
At some point businesses, large and small will not consider locating here because Oakville blows with whatever the direction of the wind is blowing. Who can plan a long term business plan here because the Council just changes the rules to the flavour of the group that complains the most.
Oakville Council claims to speak and to plan for "stable neighbourhoods" but they do this at the expense of others as they trample their ability to be in a caring Town of Oakville by ignoring the many groups groups such as persons with disabilities, who make up a complete and caring Oakville.
Oakville needs to be a caring and supportive community not a community of special interest property owners. Stable neighbourhoods is code word for special interest groups with money and voices.
The future of Oakville is being planned now and ignoring the majority of the population will produce more fractures in the future in not building a cohesive and caring community as a whole.
I would urge you to look deeper inside and see a better and more inclusive and caring Oakville for all citizens of Oakville.