Premier Outlines New Year Anti-graft Drive
BEIJING Premier Wen Jiabao on Friday announced the measures his government will take this year to check corruption, targeting in particular unnecessary red tape, collusion between officials and businessmen, extravagance and waste.Congress Finds Ways to Avoid Lobbyist Limits
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 — The 110th Congress opened with the passage of new rules intended to curb the influence of lobbyists by prohibiting them from treating lawmakers to meals, trips, stadium box seats or the discounted use of private jets.But it did not take long for lawmakers to find ways to keep having lobbyist-financed fun.
More Snow Forecast for Already Buried N.Y.
REDFIELD, N.Y. - The lake-effect squalls that have buried parts of upstate New York in nearly 12 feet of snow finally ended Monday, leaving road crews with the task of clearing snow piled as high as street signs.US Plans for Iran Strike Ready
LAHORE: US preparations for an air strike against Iran are at an advanced stage, in spite of repeated public denials by the Bush administration, informed sources in Washington told the Guardian newspaper.Ewen MacAskill writes in the Guardian: “The present military build-up in the Gulf would allow the US to mount an attack by the spring. But the sources said that if there was an attack, it was more likely next year, just before Mr Bush leaves office.”
Obama Sees New Generation of Leadership
AMES, Iowa (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama drew a contrast with rival Hillary Rodham Clinton over the Iraq war on Sunday and said he was "not clear" how she planned to end the conflict.
On the day after he formally launched his 2008 White House bid, Obama said on a campaign swing through Iowa that even before the war began it was possible to see the dangerous consequences of a U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Gates Calls for Partnership with Russia in Security Matters
MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, in his first speech as Pentagon chief, made an urgent call Sunday for NATO allies to live up to their promises to supply military and economic aid for Afghanistan, saying that failing to do so would be shameful.
And in a carefully worded rebuke, he used both humor and some pointed jabs to blunt Russia's sharp attack against U.S. foreign policy a day earlier.
PM's Home Truths ... What John Howard Thinks Really Matters To You
DROUGHT-PROOFING Australia and solving the water crisis are bigger election issues than climate change, Prime Minister John Howard says.
Mr Howard set the scene for the election year by nominating the home-based issues of economic prosperity, national security and "self-contained" Australian environmental issues as the keys to a fifth successive victory.
Dion's Aggressive Tone Raising Eyebrows