The Western World and 21st Century Indulgences

The Western World and 21st Century Indulgences

“God Bless America” is the new United States mantra and economic planning model which needs total change and real introspection at each and every level from politics to economics, to war machines and education and to science and creativity. 

Oh I forgot, you have to believe in their "god", the god that certain leaders have decided is the official god of the U.S.A. Of course they are a country where church and state must always be separated but I digress.

Indulgences were sold by the Catholic church in the late Middle ages (1400 A.D. - 1500 A.D.) to persons seeking to ensure forgiveness for their earthly transgressions. Wealthy individuals of their time clamoured to have an indulgence granted before they passed on to the beyond.

Today those same types of "indulgences" are being “bought” by the world's wealthy not for safe passage to Heaven but as a means to finding ways to shelter their profligate share of the world's real wealth.

The “1-Percenters” of the 21st Century are creating their own charities and foundations most of which are named after the "donor" (their own names) so they can see how truly important they are to the world and their own money centric world. Charities of this type have increased by 25+ percent since the turn of the century.

These helping the world tax dodges are most prevalent in America where tax laws have been re-written to ensure the succession of family wealth through such shelters as capital gains laws andf other special tax provisions not afforded those struggling to make ends meet on a minimum wage of $7.25 an hour in the U.S. (35 hours * 40 hours * 52 weeks = $15,080 before any taxes are paid). The 1% individuals often pay less tax than the minimum wage individuals pay.

How long can the United States and the western world continue to abuse the majority of their citizens as the wealthy become even wealthier? Will there be "0.001-Percenters'?

American leaders extoll the virtues of “democracy” but the American people need to know that the countries in the world today best at weathering the capitalist hurricane caused by the finance industry are in fact “socialist” countries.

These “socialist” countries are feared as they must be seen as parasites because of their social and economic success, These world ending socialist countries successes have forced terrible diatribes on them by the Republican Party and in particular from the fascist wing of the Republican Party, the “Tea Party” would have Americans believe.

Those scorned “socialist” countries: Canada; Norway; Sweden; Australia and Germany are attacked by capitalists at every opportunity. Five years after the world finance storms  ( caused by over zealous American capitalists) laid waste to all but the elite wealthy, have done better than the rest of the world. It has been difficult but no one lost houses because of individual greed, no one leaves hospital with a $5, $500 or $50,000 hospital bill.

The truth is that our “socialism” is not the communist “ism” that many American politicians would have others believe it is. It is a kinder, caring and thoughtful system that still has many flaws but these “socialist” countries have the most stable economics and social systems of the 21st century.

Peter Buffet the authored a New York Times opinion piece on July 27, 2013

The Charitable-Industrial Complex - NYTimes

Peter Buffet: “I’m really not calling for an end to capitalism; I’m calling for humanism.”

The United States, the land that took in the world’s refugees during the late 19th and 20th century has become a fortress country where the compassion and growth that lead to the greatest economic and social growth the world has seen is in danger of disappearing.

The country that cared about and for others must now learn to care for all the people that make their economy work. The time for finger pointing is over and moving on to the new United States must begin.

I fully support “God Bless America” but not in the selfish and self-righteous way that many people of the United States use this term and the inference it now represents based on the last thirty years of "me first" politics and economics.